Ten Questions

8 minute read


Hi, Dear March, Good Luck to Me.

The questions in the email are listed below. If you feel anxiety or lack of sense of security, then you can answer them after thinking twice. From Liu’s book, “I am I”, which is my terrible translation.

Q1. Do you study or work in a city away from home and why? Do you still remember the feelings or minds you came here the first time?

Yes, I am in Macao to pursue my master’s degree, because I wanna know where is my ceiling and how high it is. Of course, I remember it. I felt so easy for all of the new things and so so.

Q2. How much money can release your stress in your opinion? and if you get a lot of money, what will you do with this money?

How about 1 million, and if I have a lot of money, I will use it to increase the real estate price, lol.

Now I am poor for anything, how dare I can say I wanna 1 million deposit. No house, no car, but if I have my own family in the future, I will not be so stressed to deposit. Both she and I are normal people and we can earn money step by step. Considering the accident in our life, I think 500k may be suitable. It’s so funny here, I think 500k is a small number but I can’t get any of them. So weak.

In fact, my personality is positive, I am optimistic about everything and I am not willing to be guided by money. However, money is really important in our daily or not daily life, but here I won’t emphasize its significance for us. Because there are so many people and things reminding us of that.

If I face this question after serval years and at that time I have an amount of money. Opening a coffee shop, a barbershop, or other shops like this which can play my favorite music every second may be one of my choices. Also, I can travel around the world with this money. And I will experience it before, then take my families and friends to travel again with my guideline. Sometimes, I am wondering that buying a big house near The West Lake sounds so great……

Q3. The darkest period in your life. JK, My sky seems all turn grey when I enter 2020. —-

It sounds not very well now, but I deeply feel and experience it now. More specifically, I can cut off the days I stay at home, which means the day in Macao, so sad about this and hope it’s not true. When I recap my childhood, although there is some blur. I enjoyed the pressure only from the homework in my primary school. I collected my middle school time into the wonderful album. At that time, I won a good grade with a good face and singing songs at our New year’s Eve Party, really awesome. High school, happiness with light pain in my second semester of the third year. My performance in score decreased month by month from top 100 to top 150 and… Until the College Entrance Exam, top 300 or 400. Then, during my undergraduate, I felt the freedom given by my parents, myself. I can do what I wanna do, singing contests, debate competitions, enjoying a concert… I even don’t afraid of the absence of class. When I encountered some difficulties, my classmates always can help me to figure them out. How about the postgraduate now, before I intend to pursue my master’s degree, I wanna do some research on computer graphics, but there is no professor doing such kind of topic in UM, and I did lots of non-meaningful things.

In a word, it seems that I haven’t suffered any darkest time in my life, because I still so naive to all of the things and the cruel society I haven’t met it.

Q4. The last time you cried, for what? Away from my dear grandpa forever. —-

I am not sure about it. I am a crying guy, but I think I haven’t cried after that.

Q5. Three years later, what will you do as far as your concerned?

A worker, PM, Programmer,

Who can know what we will do after three years like now I am a student studying abroad and I haven’t thought about it before. But if I do the wish, I hope I am pursuing my Ph.D. still study abroad.

Q6. How did you meet your best friend?

How to define the best friend? I made my friends because we have the same goal, or we have the same topic to chat with, or he can understand my and my shortcomings, listening to me and giving advice.

The best friend, It’s really an embarrassing question for me. I always being told or thinking I am a person without friends. Sometimes if I view A as my best friend, but the BFF of A is B, not me. Also, no best, just friends, I regard A as my friend, but A may think that he can’t use friend the word to recognize each other. Therefore, I will protect myself very well.

Actually, now most of them we met in school, and in fact, I may hate some of them when we were in school. But after a long time, I can feel they are still willing to accompany me and caring about my feelings. I also know I have occupied a little space of their heart. Sometimes, one of us two may stop the pace, or change to other roads, but every time we need each other, we always can find him still in the place we meet.

If I have to talk about more, I have to say I’m not an active man, I have to worry about lots of things. If I become active with you, which means I wanna make friends with you, and if you look down on it then I will throw it. What hell I am talking about.

Q7. Are there any changes in your life? if no changes, why? and if changes, what preparations you have done or you’re doing?

Certainly, but I haven’t done any preparations now.

After all, I am a young man now, I am also willing to accept all the changes in my life however good or bad. If I have to answer it, I will say the only preparation I have done is throwing my self-abased and negative away from my life and equipping myself with courage that can face all the challenges. I haven’t prepared it before, which is my mantra. I lost the opportunities, made things complicated due to it, but it is just our life, our living life. If the preparations about the positive changes, I just keep a healthy body to continue.

Q8. Did you still remember your dream in your study time? how about it? Are there any friends you are familiar with achieving their dreams?

Of course, Lanzhou University, Central South University, and Zhejiang University all my dream universities, but I failed all. My friends? Have to say, I have no idea about it, maybe some. It has been a long day I haven’t talked about dreams with someone. Many people always said earning money and being rich and let the dream kiss their ass. But there is also a situation that they don’t wanna talk about their dreams with me, It is such a big sad thing.

And other dreams like traveling abroad in my undergraduate, I was thinking I can unlock some domestic and foreign cities, but I haven’t gone any places out of China. I always believe that our eyes see more and our heart tolerates more.

Q9. What’s the biggest lonely of us in your views?

I think the most lonely is that when someone has a big victory or a terrible loss and the only person he wants to run to tell isn’t there, and he can’t find more people to share.

QX. What’s your best advantage?

My shinest advantage, this question really tough. I wanna say I am a sincere person, I am a human with a warm temperatures. What hell it is?